MLB Jobs Datacasters
- sport_id
Return information for a given sport_id.
- date
Return information for a given date.
Returns a tibble with the following columns
col_name | types |
jersey_number | character |
job | character |
job_code | character |
title | character |
person_id | integer |
person_full_name | character |
person_link | character |
# \donttest{
#> ── MLB Jobs Datacasters data from ─────────── baseballr 1.2.0 ──
#> ℹ Data updated: 2022-04-30 07:16:13 UTC
#> # A tibble: 198 × 7
#> jersey_number job job_code title person_id person_full_name
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 "" Stringer MSTR Stringer 666938 Edward Alvarez
#> 2 "" Stringer MSTR Stringer 684798 David Amoriello
#> 3 "" Stringer MSTR Stringer 632811 Doug Anderson
#> 4 "" Stringer MSTR Stringer 584273 Andy Andres
#> 5 "" Stringer MSTR Stringer 511710 Troy Andre
#> 6 "" Stringer MSTR Stringer 800990 Terri Arms
#> 7 "" Stringer MSTR Stringer 670060 Keith Barnes
#> 8 "" Stringer MSTR Stringer 427022 Matt Bartlett
#> 9 "" Stringer MSTR Stringer 478601 Tyler B Barton
#> 10 "" Stringer MSTR Stringer 684802 Zac Basile
#> # … with 188 more rows, and 1 more variable: person_link <chr>
# }