This function allows you to calculate team-level consistency in run scoring and run prevention over the course of an entire season.
Returns a tibble with the following columns
col_name | types |
Team | character |
Con_R | numeric |
Con_RA | numeric |
Con_R_Ptile | numeric |
Con_RA_Ptile | numeric |
# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 30 × 5
#> Team Con_R Con_RA Con_R_Ptile Con_RA_Ptile
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 ARI 0.38 0.32 55 7
#> 2 ATL 0.37 0.42 35 97
#> 3 BAL 0.38 0.34 55 13
#> 4 BOS 0.38 0.37 55 35
#> 5 CHC 0.37 0.41 35 92
#> 6 CHW 0.39 0.4 75 82
#> 7 CIN 0.39 0.39 75 68
#> 8 CLE 0.38 0.38 55 52
#> 9 COL 0.39 0.31 75 3
#> 10 DET 0.38 0.38 55 52
#> # … with 20 more rows
# }